If you’re ever in NYC, go eat at 12 Chairs! Although the place isn’t big in square footage, the atmosphere and food are great (Do you see those pancakes?). Eating at small speciality places like this makes me really want to open a restaurant. One day my friend!

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My trip to New York last week was awesome. One of the highlights of the trip included an opportunity to sit in on a meeting with menswear designer, Michael Bastian. Michael was named the 2011 CFDA Menswear Designer of the Year and has been designing his own collection for the past six years. As his brand continues to grow, Michael also designs special collections for GANT. Why was I in this meeting? More to come …
While I was in New York this past week, our good friend Kevin Singleton of Elevate New York, invited me to attend a morning prayer at the Charity Water offices. Charity Water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries. 100% of all public donations directly fund water projects. I’ve been a fan of Charity Water for a while now, so it was beyond awesome to attend the prayer and get to check out the offices. On top of that, I got to meet the man who founded the organization and started it all, Scott Harrison. I encourage the entire organization to continue to keep up the great work! Check after the jump for more pics: