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We’ve gotten great feedback on the REVIVAL – What Happened To IMU? Webisode Series so far! Especially when it comes to the quality of the video production. So we wanted to show you what went on behind the scenes to give you a better idea of how it was created. Check out all the pics after the jump:
Startups are all about trial and error. You’ve got this great idea. You think. And this great idea supposedly solves this problem you’ve identified. Hopefully. Which leads to targeting the people that want a solution. Right? So you try it out.
That’s the beauty of this thing. No one has the manual. No one has all the answers. It’s a walk of faith.
We’ve been doing it for 28 months now. And during that time, we’ve learned a great deal about you, the market, and our business model. Every day, we wake up with a great challenge before us and there’s nothing like it. Nothing more satisfying.
“REVIVAL” Webisode Series Video Player
Episode 1 & 2 after the break!
This is such a wonderful and remarkable story! Meet Feleke. A 12 year old boy from Arusi, 6 hours south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He lives in a mud house without electricity. He is the youngest of 8 sibs. His parents are farmers. They are very devoted to their Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith.
Let’s let Dr. Rick Hodes, an American doctor who has lived and worked in Ethoipoia for over 20 years, tell Feleke’s journey to Ann Arbor:
Mesha Nelson – Ann Arbor, MI
Every day. Someone. Smiles. Somewhere.
“REVIVAL” Webisode Series Video Player
Episode 1 after the break!
Ben Kocsis – Ann Arbor, MI
Every day. Someone. Smiles. Somewhere.
Amelia Earhart – American Aviation Pioneer
This is where you’ll find wisdom. Click “Read More.”
Martin Weiss – Ann Arbor, MI
Every day. Someone. Smiles. Somewhere.