The Pursuit Pt. 5 – Here and There
“The Pursuit” will be a bi-weekly feature on Goodness Determined, written by my brother, Hayes Grooms IV. He’s extremely intelligent and talented, so make sure to check back often for more. You can also follow Hayes on Twitter – @H_Grooms
Seems like a chaotic clash, but if you listen closely; it’s more a connecting calm.
We see it in the morning traffic, along the nation’s highways and underground train stations, across airport terminals, down grocery aisles, and even within our social media feeds; everyone is on the move, darting and hustling toward the go. Everyday 6,840,507,000 hearts move forward in their own unique beat. And if you listen closely most will charge ahead, looking to get anywhere…but here.
Here is a place that, at times, becomes a distant memory or, the convenient, survival trait of amnesia—a place we, at times, long to forget. It was here when we were broke. Here when we were afraid. Here when we had no direction. Here when we were lonely. It is most often the moment, time, or place in our lives where we want nothing more than to go anywhere but here, and actually go…there.
It’s imperative that our circumstances change, so that we can be fulfilled and successful in our every pursuit. However, what about the here? Do we hold on to it? Do we think about others who are still in this place? Do we care about those in the here once we are now there? Should we be considerate? I believe that we must. If we are not thinking about what are doing for others trying to get there, then we have failed. We are essentially selfish. We need to be both here and there: forever present in the moment in all its phases if we are to truly elevate ourselves and those around us.
I aspire to grow with people. I strive to build with individuals. I’ve discovered that there’s nothing more important to me than understanding a person’s personal pursuit. I aim to figure out ways in which I can positively affect their lives; and in turn see how they influence mine. This is one of the most beautiful experiences of human interaction. I know that part of my purpose is to change lives of others for the better. And I sincerely believe that we all have the power to do so, yet we all at times refuse to actually do it. I won’t get into all of the whys, but this can no longer be an acceptable excuse. Our time, no matter how high or how low you are in the totem pole is limited, so why not share what you have personally accrued when we all share in this universal ticking clock. Time is sacred for each and every one of us.
Every lesson learned within our own story can indeed be a pivotal turning point for another’s journey. Therefore, don’t wait for someone to reach out. Before it’s even suggested, extend yourself. No matter where we are in the pursuit, we all know someone trying to snag the baton in the race. Be the one who pays it forward. Be the one who hands it off. What do you have to lose in sharing what you have gained? Because when you look at the big, great picture you, we, are all simply waiting for next baton in just another race. In order to improve our world, which in some deep, collective desire we all want, then we must share so that that the transition from here to there is as seamless and easy as possible. Someone told me recently, “It’s not about you” and it takes a great deal of maturity and wisdom to truly grasp the actualization of this. A lot of times we get caught up on ourselves. We get so caught up that we forget to give. We forget to share. We neglect community service. We dismiss the power of mentoring. Don’t make this mistake.
It’s all about the beat, the heartbeat of nearly seven billion souls. Take a moment to truly listen and recognize how you fit in this global orchestra. When it comes to the best, the most prominent leader in a band loves the sound of the line more than they like the sound of their own beat. Those who get it, this essence of selflessness, jam to the symphony around them. They know how to pull the beat of their own distinctiveness, while improving the music around them with a harmony that creates a force so inspiring that it blends to nothing short of that, which is transformative.
Therefore, don’t be the unfortunate person, who never hears the music at all, but instead be the person who connects to the wondrous sound of your surroundings and who connects to the worldwide rhythm. Pump up the volume of someone else’s pursuit. Don’t fall upon deaf ears. Instead, share in the sound of dreams. Find the empowering vibration. Connect your drum beat with that of something greater than you can ever imagine. Jam to the groove of life and create an uplifting sound that does more than just link the human experience, but actually takes another heartbeat from here to there. Then, sit back and enjoy no greater harmony than the joy of pure and utter happiness in seeing a life reach a place of sheer transformation and connected change.
Related Posts:
1. The Pursuit Pt. 4 – The Empire of Self Reigns with Faith and Work
2. The Pursuit Pt. 3 – There is Always a Beginning
3. The Pursuit Pt. 2 – Synergy Manifests Promise
4. One Day
5. The Pursuit Pt. 1 – Hayes Grooms IV
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